Seasons Passes

We have many exciting updates and changes this season that we look forward to sharing with you.

While this changes come into place, we want to give our existing members and friends an opportunity to “redo” last year.

For a limited time, we are happy to extend a special opportunity for our existing members and friends. Until December 31st, 2024, you can renew your pass at the 2022 rates! That means your season pass can pay for itself in just 8 visits.

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Where do my fees go?

There are many costs involved in operating the Bull Mountain Ski Trails.  Your membership and youth development program fees go towards Cross Country BC and Nordiq Canada fees, trail grooming, maintenance of groomers, night skiing lights, trail signs, facility maintenance, and road plowing and sanding.

We are fortunate to be able to keep our membership fees low because we have a strong group of volunteers who contribute hundreds of hours to the club. Our volunteers coach youth development programs, organize and run special events, clear trails, groom the ski trails, and work on the executive.

Please contact us about our policy and fees for persons with disabilities who are bringing a support person with whom to ski or snowshoe.

Learn more about the Williams lake Cross Country Ski Club



We accept Indy Pass cards. Click on the image for more info for

If you have an Indy Pass and are visiting out of hours please email to redeem.